Splits / Collaborations / Various Artist Compilations
Cassettes / Vinyl

Daphne Oram - Oramics
Finally, on the second page of CDs. This one I got in my most recent trip to a record store, End of an Ear Records in Austin! Yep, same one where I got the Charlemagne Palestine 2xCD, same story about the highway being deafening. Daphne Oram is an absolutely revolutionary avant-garde composer, so of course I had to get some of her material when given the chance. Stunningly impressive tape music, and a LOT of it (it completely fills up the 2xCD runtime). It is just kinda a compilation of a lot of random stuff without much through line (parts of it seem more like a tech demo), but you know, it's nice to listen to and there's some real fun stuff on there. For some reason, a lot of these sounds sounded like Aphex Twin's Gwarek2 to me? Also a lot of Daphne talking and advertisements which is interesting. I don't know much about her, so I'm not sure if those are actual advertisements she composed for, but that would be cool if they were. I like how on some of the Adwich High School sessions, they're obviously weird found archival tapes so her voice is sped up. Reminds me of that archival file at the end of the Agaetis Byrjun box set. I'm inclined to compliment this a lot because it is absolutely stunning for its time. Would I catch myself listening to this often? Probably not, it's very long with a lot of good parts and not so interesting parts. And also part of it is I got tired of lofi tape music from the WTC listening project. But you know, it's good.


Back when I had loads of money and piles of bling laying around, well over a year ago at this point, I went and ordered two CDs from Maulcat Records. Turns out I wouldn't get them until much later. Neither would very many other people though. Kinda wonder how this label lasted so long to begin with, getting such huge artists. Wish I was this guy ngl. Well anyways, they just came. Actually no, that's a lie, only this one came, the other one's coming later apparently. Oh, they still think EMCD is a thing... Anyways, I'm not usually the biggest fan of this hyperflip dariacore thing, but when I previewed this album, I thought it was super detailed and did a pretty good job at it. Still think that. Some of the sample choices are obvious and a little annoying in a memey way (see RINGEX PLASTER). It's good alright, but it sorta sounds like listening to Soundcloud recommended. I've also very very quickly fallen out of any interest in the hyperflip / jersey club / whatever in the year that has elapsed. I swear to God if I hear ONE MORE bed squeak.

Sorry if this is a bit more incoherent than normal, I'm dead tired (at 2 PM nonetheless) and I just stepped out of the shower so typing feels so weird.


Datach'i - Bones
Found this at my first time at Grimey's in Nashville. I've seen this a couple times since then, usually discounted, so I guess this didn't really sell too well? It's a bit of a shame (this seems to be a little bit of a trend with Timesig stuff, see sell prices of My Love is a Bulldozer) since this is a really good album. IDM breakcore done really well with awesome production. Hints of Autechre (it *definitely* sounds like MaxMSP is used in some aspect here) and Venetian Snares (obviously). Really awesome production. Not too much memorable with it though, even immediately after listening, I remember nothing from it other than impressive and good.


Dazzling Killmen - Face Of Collapse
Found this at Waterloo Records, quite the surprising find given they didn't really have any Cheer-Accident or anything (they did have Sounds to Make You Shudder though). My dad has had this digitally for a while now, but I never actually listened to it up until getting the CD. Then I heard it and promptly overlistened the hell out of it. Yeah, it's a fantastic album and the addition of the equally fantastic Medicine Me single was awesome, I love this. Also come on, this looks so cool too.


The Dead C - Armed Courage
Found this at Recycled Books a while back. One of the weaker Dead C albums. I wish I had White House and Tusk on CD. Well, really I wish I had them all on CD, but you make do with what you can find (and I need to cool it a bit on the CD buying until I get some more progress on this list).


The Dead C - Perform DR503C
Wow, this is the best Dead C album I've heard (so far). For some reason, I haven't listened to this CD in full until now... there seem to be a few different versions of this album? So there's DR503 which its own standalone album right, but then there's Perform Max Harris (Max Harris being the title of a track on this CD and two tracks on DR503), the cassette only Perform DR503B and then Perform DR503C which is the one I have. From what I've heard (from other people, I haven't listened to either of the other two), DR503 is apparently amazing. Haven't heard anything about Perform DR503B. There's also the Sun Stabbed EP which a couple tracks here come from? Anyways, some of these tracks are some of the best of that Duster style slowcore I've heard (it really is less noisy and more structured than a lot of their other releases). They have this crazy ability to make these absolutely dead and collapsed versions of what would otherwise be pretty normal melodies and chord progressions, and it just turns them into something so much more beautiful. They're also incredibly lo-fi and that takes a *while* to get used to. I really do like a lot of this, I only give it an 8/10 because of a couple weaker moments on the album that don't exactly *detract* from the experience (like it's still fun and you know, having a bunch of random tracks thrown at the wall and seeing what sticks is The Dead C's THING so I'm not gonna ask to *remove* them, but from a quality standpoint it IS an 8/10 you know what I'm saying? Like I couldn't ask for this album to be better, but I'm also not rating it higher than an 8. Listen and you'll understand. I don't like Bad Politics as much as the other tracks.)


Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
It's certainly hard to listen to Death Grips in this day and age. I understand that it's a big mental barrier I've fallen for where I don't want to be associated with annoying /mu-core, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. Got this from Waterloo. One of their finest albums, love how noisy and grindcorey it is compared to everything else they've done. Still gotta love Exmilitary too. Maybe at some point I'll get more of their albums, but Waterloo's the only place I've been that actually has their CDs. The rest of the stores that have them are vinyl only for some reason.


Deep Fried Ice - Solar Plexus Clown Glider
Oh, another one from WTC. Made of cut up record sleeves and lots of funky designs drawn on them, really nice packaging. The music on it is for the most part pretty standard Ableton noise, but something does it for me just a *little* bit more than normal Ableton noise. Probably the resonators.

EDIT: Turns out this was made entirely in Audacity :P


Deerhoof - Actually, You Can
I think I bought this at Waterloo? Or maybe some other mint-condition CD store? Maybe it was Landlocked, not too sure. Fairly average Deerhoof album, nothing really special from them. Maybe I should relisten, because this thing made absolutely zero impression on me.

EDIT: Yeah, I definitely just wasn't paying close enough attention, this is one of Deerhoof's better modern albums for sure. Not really their BEST (can't really understand that thought process tbh), but home to some tracks that'll certainly be classics in their catalog. It's like the upbeat cheeriness of Breakup Song with the instrumentation of Offend Maggie, it's great.


Deerhoof - Deerhoof vs. Evil
Saw this in stores a number of times. Was at my local Half Price Books for a little while, but I don't know, I wasn't into this album all that much I guess? I recently found it again at Waterloo for pretty cheap so I picked it up, and you know what, it's better than I remember. But also, I just generally like modern Deerhoof more than I ever gave them credit for back in the day. It's weird cause they were a very formative band for me, but I was into them at the same time as where I felt everything I had been into just the year before was for babies so bands like Deerhoof and Einstürzende Neubauten were put in a weird place. Idk, I grew out of them but then grew back into them. But I still can't stand parts of modern Einstürzende Neubauten (wow, their new album was insanely mid) Parts of this are great. Super Duper Rescue Heads is one of the best Deerhoof songs period. A lot of other parts of this though aren't really that memorable. Similar thoughts on Milk Man, but this one's a lot more competent than the latter.


Deerhoof - Friend Opportunity
Found in my local Half-Price Books! Even though, like Deerhoof vs. Evil, I wasn't so into them at the time, I still found this album cool because the CD was made so that you could flip the panels around and essentially choose your own artwork. And the artworks for this thing were awesome. First track is FANTASTIC. That's about it, the rest of the album isn't really anything to write home about. Kidz Are So Small has funny lyrics. I met someone who considered the slow breakdown of Look Away to be one of the best moments in their discography, but I don't know, it didn't really hit me as anything too special. Felt real noodly to me. Still a good album though.


Deerhoof - Future Teenage Cave Artists
Ooh, found in an HMV the one time I went to the UK. Kinda crazy that HMV just has cool things, but yeah I guess the UK is cool to an extent. Deerhoof keeps making the same 7/10 to 8/10 albums over and over again and for some reason, they always sound new and fresh, I don't get it. On this one though, I don't like the mastering, it irritates me. The particular resonant tone they chose gives me a headache (similar to Holdypaws), though that's not exactly their fault. Kinda sounds like a guitar string being shoved into my ear. All Hail West Texas also does that to me, but on here it's a bit more irritating. Makes it sound muddy too. Oh, and they were playing O Ye Saddle Babies before the Black Country, New Road show started, that was fun. Last track is great and unexpected.


Deerhoof - Holdypaws
Got this on the first Christmas where I decided I was collecting CDs now, so it was probably the first Deerhoof album I had. No wait, I bought Friend Opportunity before that. Oh, there are some FANTASTIC moments on this one. Magic Star and Lady People in particular are probably close to the most lovely and romantic the band have ever been. And I don't mean to nitpick, but oh my God the mixing takes away from the album. It's like what I mentioned on Future Teenage Cave Artists but a little worse. Very muddy, makes it hard to hear the lyrics at all, and not in a nice way like The Man, The King, The Girl, no I think they thought this sounded good. And there are a couple times on this album like the very end of Data and at 2:40 in Lady People where the audio randomly becomes louder for a split second? Maybe that's a problem with my CD but that doesn't sound like something that happens with CDs? I think they got rid of that in the remaster though, even if it still sounds like metal shavings. Hard to decide my overall thoughts on it, but I still think it's one of their better releases overall.

EDIT: so reading a little more on this, the drums are entirely sampled?? I guess I never noticed that, but skimming through again, yeah they do all sound the same... that's so strange, especially given how they work so well. Really fun read on the description of this album's Bandcamp page. Maybe my comments about the mix are a bit harsh (not about how I don't like the mixing, but in assuming that it was completely intentional. The group (or at least Greg) seems to think of this album as a failure. Idk, I like it.


Deerhoof - The Magic
Picked this up at... Recycled Books maybe? Wow, I thought I remembered so much more about these CDs but I really don't have interesting stories to share... Yep, a good Deerhoof album (they're all starting to sound pretty much the same now, aren't they?) Still sounds pretty fresh weirdly enough, I like it. Actually nice mastering this time, some catchy tracks here and there. Very average modern Deerhoof album, not exactly a bad thing, but nothing super special either.


Deerhoof - Milk Man
Also picked this one up in the UK, though I think it might've been at Reckless and not at an HMV. Could've easily been from an HMV apparently though. Well, this here (and the next one) is the Deerhoof album I was raised with. This album in particular is extremely formative. And I have very mixed thoughts on it as well. As a young child, I don't think I ever really made it past track 9 (I get that it's a short album, but I would only ever get to listen to it on my 20 minute rides to preschool). This album's so weird because the first three tracks set this up to be one of the greatest albums of all time. They have this unparalleled haunting atmosphere to them and are constantly switching from quiet, subtle, and minimalist to rocking as hard as the band ever has. The melodies are perfect and beautiful. The semi-broken English of the lyrics of Milk Man combined with their uncharacteristically dark nature just make the song that much more mystical and fantastically uncomfortable. However, past the third track, I do not really care for this album that much. I think tracks like C and Milking just get really meandery and try too hard to be normal rock songs that really don't fit the weirdness this album set up in the beginning. And on the other end of that, tracks like Dog on the Sidewalk or Song of Sorn are just too silly. Just the weirdest album ever because the first three songs are incredible and the rest is completely skippable.


Deerhoof - Offend Maggie
Came across this one a couple times in my travels. Once at this weird place in Carrolton called CD Universe (which is frankly nearly impossible to believe that a place like that still exists in the modern day) (oh hey, you can actually see it in this photo!) but only picked it up on a different day at Josey Records. The funny thing about CD Universe being where it is is that it's right across the street from Nickel Mania, my childhood arcade. Also an insanely cheap arcade, so I guess that whole area of Carrollton is just where rent is incredibly cheap and you can have stores that would've otherwise only existed in the 90s. Grew up on this one as well. When I bought this off iTunes, this was the one I listened to in the car on the way to preschool the MOST often. And yeah, it still holds up, this album is absolutely fantastic, easily one of their best, even if there is a little bit of a nostalgia bias. Tears of Music and Love, Chandelier Searchlight, Buck and Judy, Fresh Born, Jagged Fruit. I do have to admit though, there are quite a few tracks on here that I don't care for as much (Snoopy Waves, Family of Others), but it's still great. Not nearly as much of a problem as it is on Milk Man.


Deerhoof - Reveille
From the sticker, looks like I picked this up at Waterloo, though I've seen it a couple other times as well. Waterloo's used CDs are awesomely cheap though so it was nice to find it here. I think I remember seeing it at the big Half Price Books in Dallas, though it was almost definitely a couple dollars more expensive. Oh yeah, this is their second best album for *sure*. Also probably one of their most uncanny albums given that it's a concept album about judgement day. Absolutely magical. Also gets me because I love organs, and I love random 30 second interlude noise tracks. And this album's tracklisting is amazing. Definitely one of the most magical albums ever.


Diamond Version - CI
This is a case kinda similar to Angelspit. I received the vinyl of Diamond Version's EP2 for free along with Pan Sonic's B. Pan Sonic and Diamond Version were both on the same label, Mute, and actually sound pretty similar, harsh noisy minimalist techno (what the hell Alva Noto's in this band?). I liked the EP I had so when I came across this CD at Reckless Records Chicago, of course I had to pick it up. Another similarity to Angelspit though, this album just takes itself WAY too seriously. I mean, Diamond Version themselves are cool, but any tracks with features (vocals) just have the most pretentious lyrics and grumbly Shadow the Hedgehog vocalists. Were You There is a particularly bad example. But I Loveee the instrumentals, especially on the opening track, This Blank Action, where they manage to sound so much like a weird hybrid of Aphex Twin and Pan Sonic. It's brilliant. Anyways, I guess this album gets about a 7.


Die Krupps - Too Much History Vol. 1: Electro Years
I should not have as much EBM in my collection as I do, but nevertheless, here we are. So this CD came out of one of my mom's stints with a boyfriend in Germany. I think he picked it out for me based on extremely limited knowledge of my music tastes. It's alright. It has much less sophhisticated sound design than Angelspit, it's mostly pretty cheesy synths. Kinda funny though. Obviously the lyrics take themselves too seriously, but there's a small sense that they kinda get what they're doing and that it's a little bit funny. It's nowhere near Diamond Version levels of taking themselves seriously, but you know, I like the instrumentals much less than those as well. I still kinda liked parts of it though weirdly, I noticed myself getting more into it as the album went on. Even if it is pretty stupid.


Dirty Three - She Has No Strings Apollo
Saw Dirty Three in my dad's collection a while ago and thought I should probably give them a shot, so when I came cross this album in Half Price Books, I guess I wasn't getting much else and decided to pick it up. Warren Ellis is in this, a guy that's collaborated with Nick Cave a bunch who my dad's a big fan of, so I guess that would explain it. I know I've had this for multiple years though, but somehow have never really listened to it. Just off first impressions, I'm putting this in the same category of my brain as Sun City Girls, Sunburned Hand of the Man, Jackie-O-Motherfucker. On further listening though, I'm seeing a lot of similarities to Godspeed You! Black Emperor (mostly just because instrumental rock + violin, but still it's awesome). It is just three instruments, entirely instrumental: guitar, drums, and violin. That's it. But wow, this album is awesome, I need to properly get into this band more.


DISC - GaijinCD4
Clicks and cuts have always been a favorite genre of mine. My fascination with CDs extends out to the sounds they make when broken, so of course I love anything that has to do with those sounds. Imagine my surprise when I found out that Kid606, Lesser, and Matmos (and once, KK Null) were all in a band centered around CD Skipping. I love DISC (I need Brave2EP still). Got this for Christmas one year (sadly without OBI strip, but including the bonus, non-functional, microwaved CD-ROM). Parts of this album are great, but it's a lot more subtle than their others. I kinda wish they did more tracks like Call it in the Air than Several X's a Second though.


I think I got this on the same Christmas? Or maybe I just bought it on my own, but regardless, this album is pretty cool. I think this does a much better job than GaijinCD4 at being a strange, anomalous object. The music on it is more proper CD skipping, 40 untitled tracks that completely fill up both discs, very little info on the packaging itself aside from the OBI strip. Feels like a strange piece of media from another universe. So of course, there's a LOT of material here, and not all of it is great. Both discs end with what is virtually the same track (they have different durations, but are the same glitch noise wall sound for 14-17 minutes) so 30 minutes of the experience is taken up by the same sound. It's a nice sound and all, but I really like the variety of the end of Disc 2 (before the outro track of course). Disc 2 track 10 is the best one. I wish there were a bit more sounds like those.


DJ Buttbaby - (Early Mashcore Promo) -2013/2014-
Oh, so this guy was selling a lot of old CDs in his collection for very cheap. I actually managed to grab quite a few of the free ones, but of course I didn't want to just take, so I bought a couple of his DJ Mix CDrs which are nice to have. All in all, I got 9 albums for 15$ including shipping, some of which have been on my wantlist for a WHILE. These were: These two DJ Buttbaby mixes, Jason Forrest - The Unrelenting Songs of the 1979 Post Disco Crash, Kid606 - Pretty Girls Make Raves, Ohrchitect - EXP-DNB-Set 2008, Speak with the Machines - Secret Jamsessions, Brotha P Touch & Lesser - C64 SID 6581 Massive, Trade & Distribution Almanac Volume Four, and 2OO. This CDr contains two mixes (as I think is usual on DJ Buttbaby's mix CDrs?), a 50 minute one and a 29 minute one, completely filling up the CD which is nice. The first one is mixed pretty well and there's no notable problems with it for the entire 50 minutes which is honestly pretty impressive, and it goes hard the entire time which is I suppose all you need from a DJ set. Some of the sample choices are a bit obvious, but I didn't recognize any of the tracks (though I haven't really listened to much early mashcore), it's awesome. The second one though I think is mixed pretty badly. Like there's a lot of really awkward transitions, tempos that don't line up at all, cutting almost absurdly random parts of tracks, and pauses. I recognize one track from this mix, DJKurara's Last First Kingdom, and the way it's butchered is just confusing. There's a part in the middle of it where the volume just decreases inexplicably. It doesn't come across as conveying some extra artistic meaning, it just feels awkward. I know he cut 10 minutes of this mix to fit on the CD, but did he just cut random parts from random tracks?


DJ Buttbaby - 3-22-2024 Promo – Saturday Morning Violence/HSR 4th of July 2023
DJ Buttbaby's mixes may be a bit more involved than I assumed. This one seems to be basically entirely self-made, mostly flickering samples on top of LOTs and lots of gabber kick drum (this first track is basically an hour of gabber kick drum, but I love it). The Alec Empire rant is hilarious. Lots of weird stuff and awesome samples. The second mix however is *really* well done. Some absolutely fantastic breakcore at the beginning with hilariously appropriate sample choice. And of course, lots of gabber kick drum.


Don Caballero - American Don
This here is one of the greatest albums ever made. Love this band, love this album in particular. Don Caballero 2 (which that and the live album seem to be the only Don Cab items I'm missing) was an album that I remember seeing in my dad's iTunes collection for my entire life and when I was old enough to read and navigate it on my own, the opening track to that album, Stupid Puma, ended up being something I listened to pretty often. Then I completely forgot about them up until around 5th grade, where I wrote in a daily entry for a class assignment that I rediscovered them via shuffling music on my dad's iPod touch. Never forgot about them since. I received What Burns Never Returns on the first Christmas where I asked for CDs and ever since, this band has been in regular listening. For a long time though, probably because of nostalgia bias, I considered Don Caballero 2 to be their best album, up until I noticed myself coming back to this one the most often. It's just as extremely technically skilled, but much more melodic, which of course I've grown a soft spot for. But for real, this album's melodies are uncharacteristically beautiful and the way they develop throughout the course of each of these masterpiece tracks are unmatched. The climactic sequence of Details On How To Get Iceman On Your License Plate is one of the best in music history. Could see this rising to the next 10/10 in the future, but I need some more time to think about it.

EDIT: Thought about it, this album IS perfect.


Don Caballero - For Respect
I used to not like this album very much for whatever reason (and this was back in like middle school I think), but on recent relistens, this is the heaviest album they've ever made. Not only that, but it's can get pretty melodic as well. It's an extremely satisfying listen, quite similar to Cheer-Accident's Not A Food, but without lyrics of course, and a bit more focused on pure math rock energy. Fantastic album.


Don Caballero - Punkgasm
Again, I used to not like this album very much, but that was for a much better reason (I thought) than For Respect. I really didn't like the lyrics on first listen, but now they're not that bad? They're just kinda normal, it's a good album for sure. Still probably their weakest though. The album cover goes insanely hard. Definitely is overhated, this doesn't sound that much different from a normal Don Caballero album but with lyrics and a bit less technically involved. Definitely something missing from this, but it's not bad by any means. I would say it sounds pretty similar to Don Caballero 2 to be honest.


Don Caballero - Singles Breaking Up (Vol. 1)
Got this at Reckless Records in Chicago, as you can see by the still apparent price sticker (How did I end up picking up so many bands of the letter D from that place?). I have the feeling I've listened to too much Don Caballero for one day because all these tracks are starting to melt together. Very similar to For Respect, though that one's crafted a bit better (considering it's a proper album and not a compilation like this one is).


Don Caballero - What Burns Never Returns
Well this one's usually regarded as being their masterpiece. And while it's definitely up there, I mean American Don is still better. This one's good too though. Don Caballero 3 is fantastic. The whole album's fantastic really. I don't know if there's much for me to say about it, it's just insanely good like most of their material is.


Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem
The guitars are distinctly more metal here (mostly because they're entirely different people), but still somehow surprisingly sound just about the same as their older stuff for a majority of the album? I don't know, personally I think this album's great. Maybe not near-perfect masterpiece like American Don, but still, it's pretty damn good.


Doormouse - Broken
Got this for Christmas at some point I think. You know, this used to be one of my favorite albums ever. But as I've grown up and my tastes have matured, I've come to realize that a lot of this album is just alright. Not the best mixing/mastering, it all kinda sounds muddy, and a lot of pointless vulgarities/edginess that detracts from the experience. Some of these tracks are still great though. Specifically No Fool and Infectisound. Also Bacon is still hilarious. And gotta appreciate the complex production for what, 2002?


Doormouse - The Method Volume One: The Streets Of Miami / Freaked Out Mess
Found this in Reckless Records Chicago as well! Was an insanely cool find too, didn't think a Doormouse CD was something I would find *anywhere*. Anyways, if it's not obvious from the absurd CD design, this is a 2 albums in 1 package. The first one's a DJ mix, the second one's a proper album. The DJ mix is pretty well done, I love how it starts and ends and it's mad interesting all the way through, so you know, it does its job as a DJ mix pretty well. Not the most danceable thing in the world, but the transitions are (for the most part) fantastic, and it all works together pretty well. Then Freaked Out Mess is arguably Doormouse's best work. Incredibly detailed and while it doesn't always work (and there are definitely sections I wish would've been explored in greater detail, such as the distorted melody on Tardcore), for the most part it's an incredibly satisfying front to back listen.

The Method Volume One: The Streets Of Miami: 7/10
Freaked Out Mess - 8/10

Doormouse - Stanley Yershonowski Presents Xylophone Jism As The Ridiculator
Also recieved on a Christmas. Like Freaked Out Mess, very detailed and fascinating, but much less catchy and interesting in retrospect. The secret track is by far the best by virtue of the gabber kicks going insanely hard and bootleg track. Pretty cool album to own, it's good, that's about it. Need more Cock Rock Disco stuff.


Earthdate - Episodes 232-244
Hmm, I probably shouldn't count this as part of my collection. I was able to take this for free from the UT radio station because they had too many of them. One of like three CDs I got from my brief time working there. It is just a bunch of two minute episodes from an educational radio show, not an especially good one either. Reads like the most boring news youtube channel you've ever seen. What do you mean "it looks like this" this is an audio CD. What makes the least sense is why these stories are limited to two minutes. That just ends up making it all read like a bunch of fun facts that go in one ear, out the other. No extra investigation, no real learning. It's just kinda there. And like half the CD's runtime is taken up by the same transition sounds over and over and over again. Would make a good Bull of Heaven piece. Maybe I'll use it for CD skipping at some point down the line.


Eat Avery's Bones - Where's Eat Avery's Bones?
When I played live as MTS AIRMASS at my first show at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios... well this wasn't then was it? Oh yeah I guess I forgot that I went to a show before I actually played there. Yeah this was a show where I saw Flesh Narc play and I guess Eat Avery's Bones shares a few members. Bought this CD cause it was the one with the interesting artwork. Sounds probably the most similar to Arab On Radar, but weaker. The lyrics are somehow even worse because instead of just being immature (which sometimes worked for the insane aesthetic Arab On Radar were cultivating), there's just a lot of really shittily written jokes. And the noise rock thing is turned way down so there's not even that going for it. And the voice is more annoying. The instrumentation is pretty good a lot of the time though, I especially like the guitars. I like the idea in one of the lyrics that King Midas pretended to turn everything he touched into gold.


Einstürzende Neubauten - Faustmusik
Bought this at Waterloo. Cool find. Even if I don't like this album in particular, always nice to have more Einsturzende Neubauten stuff, especially in this kinda rare type of packaging. Cheap too so no harm no foul or whatever. Hmm, more than anything, this album is extremely boring. I mean, it's a semi-spoken word album, so not knowing German certainly doesn't help. But I certainly don't like the performances either. They are annoying. Some of the slower guitar music is cool, but all the weird skits and stuff just do not work. Track 3 is actually kinda hilarious though.


Einstürzende Neubauten - Grundstück
Bought this online because back when I was a very young kid I was obsessed with this band. I had basically everything you could buy from iTunes bought from iTunes. But whenever I would look for them online, I would find this album and was bewildered as to why I couldn't find it on iTunes. It was only relatively recently that I discovered that was just because it was on CD, which is strange considering my dad owned the CD exclusive Die Hamletmaschine. Back in the day, I used to listen to their Palast Der Republik live show very often, still consider it one of the best live shows ever recorded to this day. The cuts from this which made it into that show sound almost identical, but there are some distinct differences I can point out, so I'm fairly sure these are studio recordings... I think. I didn't do much research into this album so. But a lot of this album is pretty awesome. Big fan of the constantly evolving energy and bombast of it all. Some of the lyrics are kinda ehhh (though that's just how modern Einstürzende Neubauten is), but it's whatever. Even the song that's about "Where are my shoes?" still rocks so it's ok.

uhhhhhhh I'll get to the DVD later.


Einstürzende Neubauten - Live At Rockpalast 1990
Material from Haus Der Lüge, Halber Mensch, and Fünf Auf Der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala, their best period for sure. The latter two albums are the best they've ever made, absolutely fantastic albums. And I would own them, but my dad already owns that last one and one time I found Halber Mensch at the Austin Half-Price Books, but I was kinda low on money and decided to put it down. Also it was in a jewel case and if you haven't picked up on it, this is the weird section of my CD collection where I just have way too many back-to-back digipaks by pure coincidence and now I don't want to ruin it. I'm sure there's a digipak reissue of Halber Mensch out there... Now, I used to watch this live show all the time as a kid, and it's a pretty cool live show don't get me wrong. But observing it now, the performance is substantially weaker than album recordings. Not just Blixa's voice sounding different and reaching much farther on this performance than on albums, but that the instrumentation is MUCH sloppier. As in, on tracks like Haus Der Lüge, as well as a few others, the percussion can get extremely noticably off beat. I still like the performance as a whole, but it doesn't really hold a candle to either of the three albums it draws from. (and then Tabula Rasa also counts as this period, but none of those tracks were performed here. Tabula Rasa is an awesome album as well though).

as per usual, will get to the DVD later.


Einstürzende Neubauten - Silence Is Sexy
There are two distinct eras of Einstürzende Neubauten and Silence is Sexy is the second real album of their second era (Ende Neu being the first). I think the big thing that really separates these eras are that at one point, the band made essentially horror music, they were much more focused on being unnerving and kinda scary. Even on Tabula Rasa, which starts to leave a bit of that behind, tracks like Blume and Zebulon still have this unmistakable uncanniness to them reminiscent of their earliest, weirdest material like Thirsty Animal (thanks Lydia Lunch and Anita Lane for that). My dad speaks negatively of that album, but I really do think it falls more in spirit with Drawings of OT than say, Alles im Allem.
But the point is, you can tell on this album, on moments like Alles and Newtons Gravitätlichkeit, that they've turned more towards rocking out than creating haunting atmospheres. And I mean, sometimes that works. Sometimes, tracks like Sabrina, Die Befindlichkeit des Landes, even Sonnenbarke work quite well. But the less self-aware tracks like those I mentioned earlier, Zampano, Dingsaller, even Redukt are honestly kind of hard to listen to, especially with the context of what this band used to do in mind. That being said, it's far from a bad album. All the parts that work here work amazingly well, but the flaws are hard to ignore and become the basis of some of their later albums.
Notably, this version of the album comes with bonus disk, Pelikanol. It's a bit more experimental than the rest of the album, but it's a pretty meandery 18 minutes and doesn't really go anywhere. The first disc also features single Total Eclipse of the Sun in place of Anrufe in Abwesenheit. As a kid, this was one of my favorite tracks from them, but it definitely falls more into that second category of 'rocking out' material that doesn't work as well here and Anrufe in Abwesenheit is in hindsight a much more entertaining chill out piece.
I know I've talked negatively about a lot of this album, but it is very difficult to put together how I feel about it as a number rating. I think I'll stick with a 7 for now...

Oh, I totally forgot to mention WHERE I got this CD. A few years ago, in Joplin Missouri of all places, there was this big mall that had a place inside it called Vintage Stock and it was like this MASSIVE used stuff place. The website describes it like this: "Vintage Stock carries movies, music, books, video games, anime, comics, cards, and collectables! This is your one-stop shop for all things pop culture related. Pretty much anything we sell, we also buy for cash or store credit! We also offer the option to rent DVDs or video games." I mean, it's a store straight out of the early 2000s, but when I say it was massive, I mean it. Like it occupied an extremely strange large spot of the mall, it was way too big for a store like this in the fucking 2020s of all things. When I was checking out the CDs, my dad was compilaining that "you're not gonna find anything interesting in Joplin Missouri dude" but I found this, I found a Hella album, and I found a Deerhoof album (which I later gave away as a present to someone). Strangest place ever. Weird finding this stuff in again, Joplin Missouri, which is like the most dead city ever. Maybe it's insensitive to say that because they got hit by a pretty bad tornado not too long ago, but I go there every year so I feel a little attached. The mall also had a Tilt Studios.


Einstürzende Neubauten - Zeichnungen Des Patienten O.T.
This is my dad's favorite Einstürzende Neubauten album and what I consider to be the last early EN album. It combines, really like none of their other works, the amateur harsh noise spirit of their early works and the more structured tunes of their later. I mean I guess Halber Mensch does that too, but there's a clear difference in something like Yu-Gung and Zeichnungen Des Patienten O.T., the most accessible track here. That all being said, I never really was too attached to this album. I mean it's good, don't get me wrong, but nothing was ever all that special to me about it. It's not actively hard to listen to though so that's something. I kinda hate how I've said mostly negative things about the band, but I would have more positives to say if I actually owned their better albums. Kollaps, the Kalte Sterne compilation, Fünf Auf Der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala (which my dad has on CD so don't expect it in here any time soon), Halber Mensch, Haus Der Luge, Palast Der Republik, Perpetuum Mobil, Tabula Rasa... man I'm missing a lot, aren't I? The other two my dad has on CD aren't exactly essentials though, just the first Strategies Against Architecture and Die Hamletmaschine.


Elf Power - In A Cave
It's just a *little* bit of a generic 6/10 indie rock album, but after listening to it three times, I started to enjoy it a bit. It's nice, I like the instrumentation, it all is pretty catchy. This was one of the first CDs in my collection as well, on an early trip to Half-Price Books I think. My dad said it was the Elephant 6 people and at the time, I didn't really have my taste in music properly formed, and I liked that stuff. Same thing for the Neutral Milk Hotel CD that appears later in my collection. I mean, they're decent albums, I'm just not really into that stuff anymore. People seem to think this is one of the weaker Elf Power albums. I wouldn't know, this is the only one I've heard.


End - Percussions
One day, on a break from doing all-region stuff (or was it the Flower Mound community orchestra?) I took like a 25 minute drive to the Dallas Half-Price Books and randomly found 3 End CDs there. Also Yona-Kit LP but my dad already has it. Oh yeah, I already told this story cause I found the one Alec Empire CD there. Anyways, this EP seems pretty shottily but together. I mean, it's breakcore, but it's not exactly good breakcore. The tracks don't go anywhere, they're all pretty half-baked ideas, and I don't totally vibe with the big band sampling, it's not done that well here. Not much else to say, it's a pretty boring album.


End - The Sick Generation

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End - The Sounds of Disaster

[rating goes here]

Experimental Audio Research - Mesmerised

[rating goes here]

Experimental Audio Research - Millenium Music (A Meta-Musical Portrait)

[rating goes here]

Ex-Serbian - Monne Talkz

[rating goes here]

Fatboy Slim - Fatboy Slim's Greatest Remixes

[rating goes here]

Fennesz - Black Sea

[rating goes here]

Fennesz - Hotel Paral.lel

[rating goes here]

Fennesz - Plus Forty Seven Degrees 56’ 37” Minus Sixteen Degrees 51’ 08”

[rating goes here]

Fennesz - Venice

[rating goes here]

Fenn O'Berg - In Stereo

[rating goes here]

Fenn O'Berg - Live In Japan Parts One & Two

[rating goes here]

Fenn O'Berg - Magic & Return

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - Color Burn Scene

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - End Of Year 2022

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - End Of Year 2023

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - Home Sweet Home

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - Human Derived Music

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - Human Derived Music (Remastered)

[rating goes here]

FLASH CONDUCT - Nothing Seems To Fit

[rating goes here]


[rating goes here]

Flying Lotus - Flamagra

[rating goes here]

The Flying Luttenbachers - Revenge Of The Flying Luttenbachers

[rating goes here]

Flying Saucer Attack - Chorus

[rating goes here]

Flying Saucer Attack - Distance

[rating goes here]

Flying Saucer Attack - Flying Saucer Attack

[rating goes here]

Flying Saucer Attack - Instrumentals 2015

[rating goes here]

Flying Saucer Attack - Mirror

[rating goes here]

Flying Saucer Attack - Sally Free And Easy EP

[rating goes here]

Flössin - Lead Singer

[rating goes here]

Four Tet - Everything Ecstatic Films & Part 2

[rating goes here]

Francsico López - Warszawa Restaurant

[rating goes here]

Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing

[rating goes here]

GHSU - Greatest Hits Superb Undulations

[rating goes here]

Gingerbee - Our Skies Smile

[rating goes here]

Glenn Branca - Symphony No. 13 (Hallucination City) For 100 Guitars

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - ‘Allelujah! Don’t Bend Ascend

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Asunder, Sweet And Other Distress

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F#A#∞

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - G_d’s Pee At State’s End!

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven!

[rating goes here]

Luciferian Towers

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Slow Riot For New Zerø Kanada E.P.

[rating goes here]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Yanqui U.X.O.

[rating goes here]

Gridfailure - Scathed

[rating goes here]

The Hafler Trio - Á Ég Að, Halda Áfram?

[rating goes here]

The Hafler Trio - Being A Firefighter Isn't Just About Squirting Water

[rating goes here]

The Hafler Trio - The Hafler Trio Play The Hafler Trio

[rating goes here]

The Hafler Trio - I Never Knew That's Who You Thought You Were

[rating goes here]

The Hafler Trio - Intoutof

[rating goes here]

Hal McGee - Wired For Sound

[rating goes here]

Hanatarash - 5: We Are 0:00

[rating goes here]

Haruka Nakamura - Twilight

[rating goes here]

Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness

[rating goes here]

Hella - There's No 666 In Outer Space

[rating goes here]

Help - Help

[rating goes here]

Hiroshi Yoshimura - Green

[rating goes here]

nagasaki ambiance - nagasaki ambiance
(Filed under "hiruya").

[rating goes here]

DJ リゼルグ酸ジエチルアミド - Psychedelic Noise Death Trip
(Filed under "hiruya").

[rating goes here]

shamanic princess - shamanic princess
(Filed under "hiruya").

[rating goes here]

Various Artists - super wicked xmas noise traxx vol. 1
(Filed under "hiruya").

[rating goes here]

Various Artists - super wicked xmas noise traxx vol. 1 Misprint Version
(Filed under "hiruya").

[rating goes here]

kowloon antifreeze - 4444444444
(Filed under "hiruya").

[rating goes here]

Hoahio - Ohayo! Hoahio!

[rating goes here]